Gapless Porcelain Surge Arrester
Zinc-Oxide Arrester is widely used in the power system for the overvoltage protection, because it has high through-flow capacity and good nonlinear characteristic. It can protect the equipments in Alternating Currenlt Power System from over-voltage effectively.
Gapped Polymer Surge Arrester
Zinc-Oxide Arrester is widely used in the power system for the overvoltage protection, because it has high through-flow capacity and good nonlinear characteristic. It can protect the equipments in Alternating Currenlt Power System from over-voltage effectively. We can manufacture arresters with rated voltage from 0.22kV to 220kV. Uder below is the main electrical parameter of ther type you can refer to.
Gapped Porecelain Surge Arrester
Zinc-Oxide Arrester is widely used in the power system for the overvoltage protection, because it has high through-flow capacity and good nonlinear characteristic. It can protect the equipments in Alternating Currenlt Power System from over-voltage effectively.
Drop-out Surge Arrester
The Drop-out arrester is a kind of lightning arrester, which is skillfully installed on the drop type mechanism after refitting the distribution type zinc oxide arrester.When the power is not cut, the arrester can be tested, repaired and replaced with the help of load-break operating hook stick tool. It not only ensures the smooth running of the line, but also reduces the working intensity and time of the power maintainers. Especially suitable for unsuitable places such as communication, airport, station, hospital, etc.
Disconnector For Arrester
It is used for all kinds of metal oxide surege arrester in the voltage of 220KV and less , the service conditions is the same with the surege arrester connected .