ANSI Strain Insulator
Anti-pollution Strain insultors are used to support and insulate conductors on the overhead high-voltage transmission line in polluted areas .It with big diameter, large creepage distance ,great self -clean function and strong resistance to pollution ,specially serving in droughty ,rainless and windy areas .
ANSI Spool Insulator
Anti-pollution Spool insultors are used to support and insulate conductors on the overhead high-voltage transmission line in polluted areas .It with big diameter, large creepage distance ,great self -clean function and strong resistance to pollution ,specially serving in droughty ,rainless and windy areas .
Porcelain Suspension Insulator
Disc suspension porcelain insulators are mainly used on high-voltage overhead transmission and distribution line to support and insulate conductors. The normal type disc suspension porcelain insilators include standard type and large creepage distance type insulators ,which are widely used in clean areas and light pollution areas.